botanical extracts
standardized dry or fluid extracts from organic or conventional agriculture
Esenco supports your development by offering a wide range of ingredients and natural extracts with more than 3,000 conventional or organic references. Esenco can meet your needs by offering you the best solution adapted to your requirements.
Our multiple categories of ingredients in dry and liquid forms, allow numerous and diversified formulations. Among these categories, you can offer botanical extracts, probiotics, beehive products, natural vitamins and minerals, fibers specialities, fruits extracts, yeast extracts and powders, naturals colours, organic certified additives, and unique active ingredients.
Your request for food supplements, food or specialized nutrition can be extensive and varied. We provide natural ingredient and extracts with a variety of characteristics allowing various applications in terms of colour, texture, taste…
Please contact us for more information.
standardized dry or fluid extracts from organic or conventional agriculture
revivable and tyndallized probiotics of European origin
very high quality propolis extracts, pollen, honey and royal jelly from organic or conventional agriculture
natural minerals from organic or conventional agriculture
unique natural ingredients of high quality supported by scientific studies
brewer’s yeast and yeast extracts used in food supplements and functional foods from organic or conventional agriculture
micronised vegetable fibers providing taste and texture from organic or conventional agriculture
powders or liquids from natural raw materials, with range of shades of red, green, brown, etc. also available in “Colouring Foodstuffs” from organic or conventional agriculture
fruits and vegetables extracts are obtained from different parts of the plant from organic or conventional agriculture
organic additives to meet different technological needs
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Studio Crumble,
studio de création graphique
+33 2 99 55 41 10
+33 9 72 10 10 07
SAS au capital de 500 K€
RCS Lille Métropole : 424 761 419 00045
Code APE : 721Z
N° de TVA : FR 22 424 761 419
Siège social : 2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix
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